dia 3.
un solo juego para los seleccionados... un dia para retomar fuerzas e ir consolidando el juego.
2:00 pm: Colombia 15 - irlanda 3
el femenino aprovecha las limitaciones de las irlandesas en su juego y con la zona consigue hacer los quiebres necesarios para no complicar un juego y cuidar a jugadoras que presentan algunas molestias o soportan la carga de los juegos...
5:00 pm: Colombia 15 - Austria 8
excelente espiritu de los dos equipos,
dia 4.
11:00 am: Colombia 17 - Finlandia 8
un sol terrible, realmente esta haciendo mucho calor. Es el dia en el que mas se ha sentido!...
las chicas plantean de nuevo la zona buscando frenar el juego al largo de este estilo europeo aprovechando armadoras con buen huck y un par de corredoras con buena talla.
la zona de Colombia buscar forzar lanzamientos divididos robar discos que quedan "flotando" esperando receptores. En esos discos hay jugadoras que comienzan a realizar muy buen trabajo y consiguen muchas transferencias...
el trabajo de las armadoras se va puliendo y disminuyen los errores no forzados.
de la linea ofensiva se destacan jugadoras que vienen con un bajo perfil y cada vez se ven mas comodas y explotando sus condiciones... goma, diana, monica m, es un buen ejemplo de jugadoras que trabajan como hormigas, hacen su trabajo y aportan mucho en la produccion ofensiva o defensiva. Un trabajo callado que sostiene los buenos resultados hasta el momento.
en terminos generales las chicas se van sintiendo mas comodas con los sistemas ofensivos y defensivos
Y nota a resaltar: un Big callahan" en vuelo de Susi Estrada... hermosa accion defensiva!
el equipo italiano muy nuevo y con pocos jugadores, solo dos lineas de juego. Tienen un par de jugadores con algo de experiencia pero no los suficientes como para contrarestar la zona planteada por Colombia para buscar turnovers rapidos que exijan menos esfuerzo fisico que la marca uno a uno y terminar rapido un juego con un calor del demonio.
5:00 pm: Colombia 17 - Alemania 4
un poco parecido la historia al equipo irlandes del dia anterior... un equipo con jugadoras con poca experiencia y muy limitado para contrarestar la zona. No hay mucho viento pero tienen poco manejo de disco.
sube la ansiedad por terminar rapido y no se toman las mejores decision.,
9:00 pm: Colombia 7 - Australia 17.
Showcase y tribunas llenas...
un juego muy intenso, nunca se dejo de cortar duro o volar a defender... ellos jugaron bien y cobraron la mayoria de errores que tuvimos. Mas de 20 errores no forzados no nos dejan chance de sostener un juego con el nivel tan alto que pusieron los aussi.
falta madurez, cabeza, un mejor juego mental... mantener la intensidad y congelar esas ganas de botar cualquier disco... seguir creciendo en nuestro juego...
una noche para descansar y asimilar muy rapido lo sucedido en el juego. Veniamos jugando no tan bien en la ofensiva y de aqui en adelante cada error nos lo cobran...
Gran Bretaña sera el juez de Colombia tanto en masculino con la llave de cuartos de final, como para el femenino definiendo el paso a semis.....
mañana inician finales...
asi se vivio en directo por Twitter: http://twitter.com/forcesideline
- GAME ON. Aussies on O.
- Moroney injured in the first few seconds. Rolled ankle
- Tulett to McNaughton for the first goal to Australia. 1-0
- Colombians are VERY fast. Goannas matching them so far. Big hanging pull from McNaughton helped.
- Angelovich blocks the upline dump. Aussie disc sideline 10m out.
- Jackson with a freakish breakside flick, slips through Angelovich's hands. Colombia disc 64 out
- Juan Felipe Rincon flick huck can't be chased down. AUS disc 64 out
- McDonald chases down a stray Turner flick on the line. Short to Angelovich and there's the break. 2-0 AUS
- Great to have a Colombian audience tonight on Twitter. Hope you're as excited as the Colombia girls in the crowd!
- Rincon beats Lockhart in the air, not in. He hits Ceballos who goes to Villarraga for the goal. 2-1 AUS
- Juan Felipe Gomez with the layout block ahead of Blakeley. McNaughton handblock on the restart.
- Blakeley huck to Nick Dowle who skies two Colombians and lands neatly in the front corner. 3-1 AUS
- Colombia short pass ground. AUS disc 20m out
- McDonald to Jackson. 4-1 AUS.
- Aussies playing 3-2-2-1 zone.
- Colombia get through on the transition. Rincon throws open side to Aristizabal for the goal. 4-2 AUS
- Middleton up the line flick to Blakeley. 5-2 AUS
- Minor hiccup with the live scoring so missed a bit of play there. It's 6-2 to AUS. Colombia time out.
- Crowd has been growing all game. Around 400 in the grandstand.
- Pete Blakeley (1A-2G) and Lachlan McDonald (2A) leading the stats
- Turner handblock on Rincon. Uncontested foul.
- Blakeley layout D, foul called. Crowd booing but I think that's mostly Australians. Call retracted to applause from everyone.
- Blakeley goes short to Barr then busts long. Barr's huck is perfect and Blakeley scores. 7-2 AUS
- McNaughton with another money pull.
- David Rico catches the huck, short pass Dd by Nick Dowle.
- Dan Rule floats it to Glen Fowles, Dd by two Colombians. Foul called, but retracted after a short discussion.
- Gonzalez chases and lays for a long huck - not in. Gives to Cardona who goes to Carvajal for the goal. 7-3 AUS
- Blakeley with the disc midfield after an isolation play. Has all the time in the world to float it up for Middleton. 8-3 AUS
- Barr with the perfect pull this time.
- Aristizabal over the top to a running team mate for a HUGE layout, but he lands out of bounds. Aussie disc 64 out
- Time out called by Australia
- Flawless O from the Aussies. Colombia laid out for everything but the throws were just too good. Barr to McDonald for the goal. 9-3 AUS
- Half time. TD Max thinks the Aussies look too good at the moment. "Colombia running hard but not smart."
- Game on. Johnson with a layout D to start us off. Another break looming
- Jackson floats it up the line to Dan Rule on his own. 10-3 AUS
- Tulett layout block on the dump
- Rincon pulls down a huck in front of Logan Rhyne. Rhyne fouls and the stack forms.
- Turner hucks to Blakeley - too far. I think that's the first turn for the Aussies on a long throw.
- Colombia huck goes waaaaay out, nearly into the crowd. Aussie disc sideline 40m out
- Someone forgot to tell Colombia Tulett is left handed. He is left wide open to huck to Blakeley for his 4th goal. 11-3 AUS
- The Colombians have not given up yet, and they are not going to.
- Cardona finds Carvajal by himself in the endzone to get Colombian's 4th goal. 11-4 AUS
- Gomez juuuuust misses a callahan goal
- Nice 1-2 from Moroney to Evans and back. Moroney short to Dowle to make it 12-4 AUS
Moroney back on the field. Has the disc 25m out
- Handler isolation between Barr, Tulett and Jackson. They work it to 5m from the line and Barr goes short to McDonald for his 2nd. 13-4
- Collision between Johnson and Salgado. Salgado off injured. Just winded I think - he's walking ok.
- Colombia disc 40m out
- Manco huck goes noone. Luckily it comes back infield so Aussies have the disc 64m out instead of 10m.
- Rule and Blakeley work the disc up between them. Blakeley gets way open and throws to Middleton who doesn't have to move. 14-4 AUS
- Crowd chanting "Twats is a wanker." Fowles is juggling discs. There's something for everyone here tonight,
- Time out Colombia. They start singing and the crowd is joining in,.
- Canada making vuvuzela noises.
- Rhyne pull goes OUTSIDE THE STADIUM and lands back in. WOW
- Carvajal chases down a stray huck and misses a HUGE layout. That's gotta be a long jump record.
- Villarraga drops the dump under pressure from Barr. It was a floaty high dump
Colombia run through D. Disc 25m out. Colombia time out
- This time Villarraga Ds Barr. Colombia 25m out
- WOW. Ceballos with a no-look, high release, break side flick to Nicolas Escobar for the goal. 14-5 AUS
- McNaughton to Blakeley, who wins the aerial contest. He is catching everything tonight. That's his 5th goal tonight. 15-5 AUS
- Herrera floats it to Arango for the goal. 15-6 AUS. Aussies have taken their foot off the gas a bit, Colombia haven't.
- Tulett on the show boat. Gets collected catching a high dump. Disc 15m out. Handblocked on the restart
- Rincon bombs it to David Rico. That's 2 in a row. The crowd right behind Colombia - they want a comeback. Timeout AUS
- McNaughton to Jackson - falls short. Colombia disc 64 out. Colombians full of energy on the sideline and field and crowd.
- Huck goes too far for Herrera. Aussie disc 64 out
- McNaughton hucks to Barr - he didn't see Herrera waiting for that throw. Throwaway on the restart. Aussie disc 30m out
- Rhyne up the line to Middleton - too far. Middleton got a hand to it but not enough.
- Aussie layout D on the first half. Bodies collide - turnover stands, but Rhyne is off injured.
- Barr break throw to Blakeley
- 16-7 AUS. 90min played.
- Gonzalez drops the disc midfield. This could be it.
- Luke Turner to Calan Spielman for the final goal. Australia win 17-7.
- Wow. What a game. Both teams moved so fast it was really hard to keep up. If both teams play like that, they'll be in the final.
- Thank you for staying up late or getting up early to follow the game. We'll be back tomorrow for the girls AUS v COL match in 12 hours
- As always, we'll be right here on the sideline. Good night from Florence.
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